how are you?
what to do if you feel stuck!!!!!!!!!!!
a series of bad decisions. so it is because you have less knowledge It can be a few major bad decisions like getting into business with the wrong person,
some people are just toxic
some are stupid
some are incompetent
some have no knowledge making a big bad investment
listen to bad advisor
even banker can be bad knowledge becaue they have no unviesity degree etc. or several small bad decisions
like habg out with bad people hang out with strangers
like not taking care of your body daily
some do not know how to dress prfessional , drinking too much alcoho
no business card
l, not following your logic how long has the person in business True new business tends to fail, no track record, pie in the sky No references old stubborn rational or irrational the business is not a necessity hire wrong person who steal , ignoring your feelings etc.
No wonder that people most often feel stuck in their:
Own body –over perfection mental illness,no eating control being overweight
Mind – bad thinking patterns over thinking
Key relationships – boss, no knowledge to control coworkers tosic no cooperation , spouse, over control family no cooperation and communication , social groups bad apples
In a job or career pick stressful jobs
In money-related things, over control or even in negative market trends stock go up and down
In constant unhappiness over depress
In a lack of creativity --- stubboen and naive or intellectual stimulation just no need for some people to learn or a lack of hope some are just couch potato or having no direction in life and similar. no goal , no friends or stupid friends